
Kumamoto Toshihiro Okumura2

From: jwhdx660, 9 hours ago

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Summer Vacation

This Summer Vacation was very hard.
In August, I had to go to part time job fifth a week. I wanted to a holiday and a little rest time.
I was very tired, and then I must take a TOEIC Test. I studied English as many time as possible.
Result was ..........。in additon, althrough I had spend hard day , I cound get a memories. For example , I went to see a festival of fireworks with my gril friend, and then went to Amakusa to scuba diving , partcipated in IWC as an local university student.
In September , I had to go to second school of Design to study about two weeks. I must use a computer to study about Design. I disliked to use a computer to study about it at that time.
And finished it. I was happineess. However university had just started as soon as it.
Please give me a holiday.........

3 件のコメント:

potitora さんのコメント...


Rick さんのコメント...

Hey, your vacation sounds exciting, but very tiring. I am a little tired, too, because I don't feel as if I had a real holiday.

hiroyan さんのコメント...

I want to know your TOEIC score♪